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Print Subscriptions

Although the Cornell Law Review recognizes the power of the Internet, we strongly acknowledge the vitality and importance of paper-based communication, as well. As some courts have adopted policies requiring traditionally printed (rather than digital) copies of materials supplementing motions and briefs, printed editions of the Law Review are even more necessary for today’s practitioners than yesterday’s.

Single issues from the current volume are $20.00 each. A yearly multi-issue subscription may be purchased for $65.00 domestically ($60.00 domestic agency discount rate) or $75.00 internationally ($70.00 international agency discount rate). The new volume starts in December and ends the following October.  A subscription to the Cornell Law Review cannot be started in the middle of a volume.  Subscribers outside the United States should include additional money for postage fees. Please make checks payable to the Cornell Law Review.

Pre-payment should be sent to:

Cornell Law Review

Cornell Law School

2L39 Hughes Hall

Ithaca, New York 14853-4901

Telephone inquiries regarding subscriptions or issues from the current volume may be made to Susan Pado, our Administrative Assistant, at (607) 255-3387.


Issues published earlier than six months from the present date may be ordered directly from William S. Hein & Co., Inc., either by telephone at (716) 882-2600 or by post at:

William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

2350 North Forest Road

Getzville, NY 14068

Please verify single-issue prices by telephone prior to your order.


The Law Review invites comments and inquiries regarding the substance of our publication. Correspondence via regular mail must be signed, should include the author’s evening and daytime telephone numbers, and can be sent to:


Cornell Law Review

Myron Taylor Hall

Ithaca, NY  14853-4901

Correspondence may also be sent via e-mail. For general questions or comments, contact our Editor-in-Chief, Debbie Morales.


The Cornell Law Review reserves all rights regarding this website and forbids for-profit use or re-publication without its express written consent. Please contact the Cornell Law Review Editor-in-Chief, Debbie Morales, for consent regarding for-profit use or re-publication of the text and HTML contents of the Law Review.


Our Business Office may be reached at: (607) 255-3387.

Our facsimile (FAX) machine may be reached at: (607) 255-7193.