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Volume 108

Historical Appendix to “The Expansive ‘Sensitive Places’ Doctrine: The Limited Right to ‘Keep and Bear’ Arms Outside the Home”

Julia Hesse and Kevin Schascheck II


9 Jan 2024

The following is not intended to be an exhaustive list of laws providing locational or temporal restrictions on firearms, and instead represents the laws we identified in approximately 40-50 hours of research. These laws are gathered into categories. The same law may be listed in multiple categories (e.g., if a law restricted carriage or firing of weapons in a road or within a certain distance of a road, the law is listed both in the section listing laws with “gravitational pull” and laws regulating weapons in roads).

To read the Appendix, please click here: Appendix to “The Expansive ‘Sensitive Places’ Doctrine: The Limited Right to ‘Keep and Bear’ Arms Outside the Home.